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I am not good webmaster, so you can find few info only on this webpage. I apologize for it.

Currently we have only Falco and  Catori, we lost our Gal in July 2017


Falco is our first dog without pedigree (we bought him as labrador´s puppy, but he is big labrador nevertheless very friendly), he is about 6 months older than Gal. Falco is only our pet who loves children and long walking.



Gal was dog of Chesapeake Bay retriever. His full name is Galaxy Gael Gal Kelečský poklad and he is stud dog too. We bought him as a friend for Falco, but plans were changed  -  we discovered working test, later hunting exams and hunts. We go on the show sometimes, Gal is Czech junior champion, and in addition earned two CAC and two CACT.  Gal´s health is HD A, ED 0/0, PRA N/N, EIC N/N, DM Carrier. You can find his pedigree here.


First puppies after Gal were born in kennel from Hofion in June 2009.


Our latest member is bitch of Chesapeake Bay retriever, which is called Mattaponi´s Fabulous Catori. we have had since first weekend of April 2010. She is Juniorchampion CZ and Sk, Champion CZ and SK, Interchampion CIB.
